Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Logo Update

the SOUL studio is your movement experience. It's an opportunity to explore your feminity, embrace your beauty, enhance your courage, and create your strength.

In keeping with this theme of encouraging your soul, my new logo will be an image of my eye with a silhouette of me dancing in my eye. Since I'm a dancer in my soul and the eyes are the window to the soul, it's just perfect! I'm so excited for this new logo and that it includes pieces (quite literally) of me. It's orginal, unique, and just plain raqs!

We have the shot of my eye, and it's currently going through some "creative" design such as being washed out or water colored. Last night we took some additional silhouette shots and should finally have at least one that should work.

Now it's all up to my fantastic designer friend to make the two mesh. Then, I'll add the text, the tag line, and the web address.

It's so close I can almost hip bump it!

Wiggles & Giggles,

PS I have a meeting tomorrow about thesoulstudio.net and getting things rolling!

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