Thursday, March 29, 2012

Creative Combos - YWCA - 03/29/2012

This fun combination was created by students in class on March 29, 2012 (YWCA).  We began with each student drawing a movement from a basket.  Then students were paired up to create a short combo using each move.  Finally, all combos were strung together to create the following choreography.

Works with: Sun Dance by Ruben Van Rompaey

Start with weight on the R, L foot ready; facing audience.

Combo A
Created By: Denise and Robin

1-2:   Slide L leg out and bend down in lotus base while executing L Snake Arm.
3-4:   R Snake Arm.
5-6:   L Snake Arm.
7-8:   Slide L leg in and come to full stance while executing R Snake Arm.
1-4:   R Serving Arm.
5-8:   L Serving Arm.
1-8:   R Double Rock with CCW ½ turn to face back.

1-2:   Slide R leg out and bend down in lotus base while executing R Snake Arm.
3-4:   L Snake Arm.
5-6:   R Snake Arm.
7-8:   Slide R leg in and come to full stance while executing L Snake Arm.
1-4:   Blossoming Lotus (to ceiling) whiling changing weight to R foot (L foot ready).
5-8:   L Pivot Bump while bringing arms down.

Combo B
Created By: Pam and Krista

1-8:   3/4 Shimmy Walk (start R, travel to front R corner) while tracing L hand up R arm, behind head, and down along L side of body (end approximately at rib level).
1-4:   Walking Hip Circles in a Circle (CW) to face back R corner while Double Serving Arms to the R and down to meet R hip.
5-8:   R Bicycle Hip (x2) with hands framing hip.
1-8:   Walking Hip Circles in a Circle (CCW) to face front L corner.

1-8:   3/4 Shimmy Walk (start L, travel to front L corner) while tracing R hand up L arm, behind head, and down along R side of body (end approximately at rib level).
1-4:   Walking Hip Circles in a Circle (CCW) to face back L corner while Double Serving Arms to the L and down to meet L hip.
5-8:   L Bicycle Hip (x2) with hands framing hip.
1-8:   Walking Hip Circles in a Circle (CW) to face front R corner.

*Repeat from beginning.

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