Thursday, May 10, 2012

Creative Combos - YWCA - 05/10/2012

This fun combination was created by students in class on May 10, 2012 (YWCA).  We began with each student drawing a movement from a basket.  Then students were paired up to create a short combo using each move.  Finally, all combos were strung together to create the following choreography.

Works with: Fantasy by Oojami

Start with two lines across the stage (front line, back line).  Feet together with weight centered.

Combo A
Created By: Robin and Tina

1-8    CW Hip Circle with Heel Drops (R2-back4-L6-center8).
1-8    CCW Hip Circle with Heel Drops (L2-back4-R6-center8).
1-4    R Arm Sweep.
5-8    L Arm Sweep.

1-4    CW Hip Circle with Heel Drops (R-back-L-center).
5-8    CCW Hip Circle with Heel Drops (L-back-R-center).
1-6    Deep Breath In Arms (out from sides, up to overhead, back down through center to rib level).
7-8    Lotus Rocket (aka Firework) Arms up.

Combo B
Created By: Denise and Karen

Front Line
1-4    Lotus Blossom straight up.
5-8    Open R arm down to L Arms.
1-8    Choo Choo to the right.
1-8    Change arms and Choo Choo to the left.
Back Line
1-4    Lotus Blossom straight up.
5-8    Open L arm down to L Arms.
1-8    Choo Choo to the left.
1-8    Change arms and Choo Choo to the right.

Combo C
Created By: Kayla and Kim

Front Line
1-4    Walk to L front diagonal w/ painting arms.
5-6    Oomi Oomi
7-8    Pelvic Lift-Lift
Back Line
1-4    Walk to R front diagonal w/ painting arms.
5-6    Oomi Oomi
7-8    Pelvic Lift-Lift

Front and Back Lines
1-4    Start on R foot, walk back with painting arms.
5-8    Oomi Oomi.  Pelvic Lift-Lift
1-4    R Ronde de Jambe step back.  Pelvic Lift-Lift.
5-8    L Ronde de Jambe step back.  Pelvic Lift-Lift.
1-4    R Ronde de Jambe step back.  Pelvic Lift-Lift.
5-8    L Ronde de Jambe step back.  Pelvic Lift-Lift.

*Repeat from beginning.

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